Wednesday 25 May 2011

Peer Review Exercise

I chose to review Bianca's Visual Design Blog.

Bianca's Blog is very neatly set out and has very well edited and put together images for her assignments. Throughout her whole blog, there is a consistency of simple yet effective designs. When looking at her CD design and her Advertisement with a Social Conscious, I can tell that she has gone with a very simple design, however they both strongly convey the message she wants to get across to the viewers. She stuck with similar color schemes as a lot of dark colors were used throughout her assignments. I did notice that she always changed the font of every assignment, which kept it fresh and interesting at the same time.
I did notice a sufficient difference between formal and informal design, as in some assignments, all elements were well balanced, while in others there were differences and not a lot of similarities.

If Bianca were to make any improvements, I would say that she should look up a few easy tutorials for her to try out so that she will have a bit more experience with photoshop. This will help her push the boundaries a little with her designs instead of playing it safe and going with simple designs. Maybe even a slight change in color scheme to change the appearance and to show a wider range of designs would be something she could change in order to improve her blog.

Overall, I think her main strengths were that all her assignments were eye-catching, and that’s what any design should be, especially for advertisements. One weakness would be her photoshop techniques which you can see in her bottle advertisement assignment. If she worked on a few more photoshop techniques, I think her advertisement would look a lot better. Again, she has the opportunity to look up easy photoshop tutorials and this will help out with her techniques. I don’t think she has many threats as her work is still easy to look at and to understand the message she is trying to get across to the viewers.
Overall, I really enjoyed scrolling through her blog and I think she did a really good job with her assignments.

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